Sunday 20 March 2022

Down the Dene.

 As the members hide is having work done at present ,a trip down the dene seemed more appropriate,  I don't do that often as it means a trek up a rather long incline which does not go down at all well with my COPD however all was worth it as I came across one of the Dippers posing on its usual stone .


Walking further along I came across a couple who asked me if I had come across the Owl this morning as it wasn't in its usual tree hole I answered no and said I didn't know which tree they meant turning around they pointed to a tree partly covered in Ivy with an old branch hole in it.
We parted company and I walked further on scanning the the so called owl tree to no avail I was just about to give up when something caught my eye a couple of trees further down sure enough there in the fork was this roosting Tawny Owl

It was all worth the pain in the end and a bonus Bullfinch to boot.

Thanks for looking
Stay safe (its on the rise again )




  1. Great to hear you manage your exertions down The Dene Joe ! Like yourself i'm struggling to walk as far as i would like and visited The Dene last week, first time in god knows how long. I spend most my time up Druridge so seeing the woodland birds like Treecreeper was most enjoyable along with my first Dipper in quite some time. I kept an eye out for the Tawny, as i had seen a couple of pics posted on Twitter, but didn't have a clue where it was so dipped on it. It was still enjoyable trying to spot it. I cut my teeth at Holywell, Rising Sun, Bug Waters etc when i first started, helped by the likes of Cain who were more than helpful at the time when i was clueless (some say i'm still clueless when it comes to birding LOL) I'm still taking precautions as far as Covid is concerned and mindful of numbers rising again so will be a little bit more vigilant again. Stay safe sir !!!

  2. Great to here from you again and many thanks for your comment( always appreciated )like you I'am also taking precautions and looking forward to my spring top up in the hope of more protection ?.The best instruction I can give regarding the Owl coming from the village go down that confounded slope next to the tunnel (prob were you saw the dipper)follow the burn until you come across a tree on your left shaped like a pyramid with bird feeders walk approx 50yds further on then look to the trees on your right,it report-ably roost's in an old branch hole although I found it a couple of trees further on in the fork.I was in contact with Cain a couple of months ago regarding temp hides near a Pied flycatcher nest in Cumbria (if the birds return I might give it a go ).
    All the best and STAY SAFE.

