Sunday 23 June 2024

Scottish tour part 2

 After a couple of nights at Dunbar it was time to move on to a small site near Pitlochry the reviews said that red squirrels had been enjoyed there also Pine Martin in the forest across the road. I had success with the squirrels but the forest was far too dense so no joy with the Pine martins.

We stayed for a couple on nights enjoying the reds on many occasion before moving off to Rosemarkie on the Black isle hopefully to see the Bottle nose dolphins chasing the Salmon on the incoming tide at Channory point 

As you can see from the above I was successful but the quality of the photos is not good and the conditions of the sea didn't help.
Moving on we past numerous lochs on our way to the top but alas only found one that had a Black Throated Diver on this is all I got.

Same shot just cropped a bit.
Finally an enjoyable trip as far as the wildlife is concerned but sadly I feel the last ,the roads in the highlands fall far short of acceptable ( potholes etc ) an ex police person told us the Highland council find it cheaper to pay compensation claims than fix the potholes.

And my final grouse 

The Scottish highlands has to be the wild camping capital of the world
With no regards for health and safety

sorry about the grouse
thanks for looking

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